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Welcome to Belgrade Christian Assembly!

An Assembly of God church located in beautiful Belgrade, Montana USA

Listen to the Word of the Lord!

During the ongoing crises in the U.S.A. and around the world, WE continue to meet in our church building.  Please join us to worship the Lord, listen to His Word, pray for the Spirit to move and fellowship together!  We are doing this to obey the command in Hebrews 10:24-25, "and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near. (emphasis added)"  If you would like to listen to a message from Pastor Godfrey, click here.

The messages of Sunday, February 02, 2025, 'Pay the Debt of Love', from Romans 13:8-14, by Pastor Godfrey, is available online.  Invite someone else, especially someone unsaved, to listen to the message with you.


2025 Annual Week of Prayer

Sunday & Saturday at 5 p.m. Monday - Friday at 6:30 p.m.

SUNDAY: Pray that the Church will be established in every nation and among all peoples of the world.
MONDAY: Pray for God’s Spirit to be poured out on school and college campuses throughout the United States.
TUESDAY: Pray for missionaries and global workers serving in areas of conflict, disaster, and tragedy.
WEDNESDAY: Pray for missionaries serving in the United States as military, institutional, or vocational chaplains and those ministering in cross cultural environments.
THURSDAY: Pray for the Gospel to be made known to those who have never heard.
FRIDAY: Pray for freedom for those battling addiction and for families to be restored.
SATURDAY: Send me!  Pray that God will prepare our hearts to actively participate in missions by committing to prayer, giving, or going.

Stand with and Pray for the Nation of Israel!

Almost 1 year ago, Israel was brutally attacked by Hamas on their Sabbath, 07 October 2023.  This is the worst loss of Jewish life since the Holocaust!  Israel is in the midst of their retaliation against Hamas and clearing out the Gaza strip.  Please be in prayer for Israel, all of their armed forces, their first responders, and their leaders.  Pray for their ultimate victory over terror & evil.  Israel has been under a daily barrage of rockets by Hezbollah, and have sustained and defeated an aerial attack by Iran with drones and cruise missiles.  The Houthis out of Yemen are targeting many nation's shipping.  More than anything else, pray that in the midst of these horrors, many people will turn to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Messiah.

Are You in Need of Prayer?

Our prayer team will pray for your need in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus Christ!

"The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much." (James 5:16)

Great things are being accomplished as we pray for needs in Jesus' name!  Marriages are being restored.  People are being healed and recovering from illness.  The Lord has blessed with a child those who have asked. 

We would count it a privilege to bring your need before our heavenly Father too!


"And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it for one of the least of these brothers of Mine, you did it for Me.’ " (Matthew 25:40)

The situation in the Ukraine is both heart-breaking and maddening as well.  There are over 11 million refugees who are landing all over the surrounding and nearby countries.  Praise the Lord that in the midst of tragedy, people are coming into the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ!  I want to encourage everyone who reads this to do at least these 2 things:

  1. Pray to the Father in Jesus' name for Russia to be stopped, and for the independent country of Ukraine to be delivered from Russian oppression.
  2. Give to one of the many entities that is providing aid and sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ, both in Ukraine, and wherever there are refugees.

I will list a few that could really use our help:

  1. Assemblies of God, World Missions.  Give here to tangibly minister to those impacted by the current situation in Ukraine.  The account number is AGWM/COH Disaster Relief—Ukraine 410946 (73).
  2. Samaritan's Purse: Crisis in Ukraine.
  3. Jews for Jesus:

Many others, but let us please do something with someone to help Ukraine.  God bless you!

The situation in the Ukraine continues to be dire, with them suffering from the unprovoked aggression of Russia.  The valiant efforts of the Ukrainian people in resisting these attacks is admirable.  There are still many people coming to faith in Christ, in the midst of their suffering.  Thanks for continuing to pray!

The Truth

"Sanctify them in the truth; Your word is truth." John 17:17

Jesus is the ultimate Truth.  He said that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.  There is so much deception in this world.  So much that we hear is propaganda or ‘fake news’, and outright lies.  I'm not able to tell you here and now how you can discern truth in the news, but I can tell you that in Jesus Christ, you'll find all that is True.  “God is not a man that He should lie”.  “I am the Lord, and I change not.”  He never changes.  He is immutable.  So as we go through the chaos and the swirling clouds of confusion from this lost world, please make sure to spend time daily with the Word of God, and spend time daily with the heavenly Father, the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.

Please remember to stand and fight against the abortion pill!

How to receive the gift of eternal life!

Confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord!"

If you would like to know how to be forgiven for your sins, and how to receive the free gift of eternal life, then click the button below.


Service Times

Here you will find the service times for our regular services.  Special events and special services will be listed elsewhere.

Service Times


The church address is:

103 E. Cascade Ave.

Belgrade, Montana 59714

Map this location.

Please tell us you stopped by and feel free to ask a question or to give feedback.

BCA Feedback

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Make US your church home!

"And the Lord was adding to their number day by day those who were being saved." (Acts 2:47b)

We invite you to come and learn the Word of God with us, worship with us, and respond to the moving of the Holy Spirit with us. If you are already a member of the Body of Christ, and are looking for a local church family, then we would love to meet you and get you plugged into where the Lord wants you to worship, fellowship and work for Him. Find the service times of BCA by selecting Service Times from the menu.

Our website is here to help you enter into the Kingdom of God through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.  Once you have made the decision to become a follower of Jesus and received the gift of eternal life, then you need to become a disciple, and be taught everything that He has commanded us.

Remember what's important for you to grow in Christ:

  • Bible - Read it daily!
  • Prayer (talk to your heavenly Father and your Savior Jesus) daily!
  • Worship - Regularly attend a church that honors Jesus Christ and teaches you the Bible.
  • Fellowship - Share your life with Christians who will help you grow in faith.
  • Witness - Tell others what Jesus Christ means to you.